The scientific committee invites professionals interested in research areas related to Optical Engineering and Science to submit abstracts of papers for presentation at the conference. Proposals for oral or poster presentations are welcome. Abstracts can be submitted through the conference site homepage.
Abstract Submission Deadlines
– Abstract submission deadline closes: February 7th, 2019
– Last day for abstract acceptance notification: February 16th, 2019.
Submission Terms
– Presenters of accepted abstracts are required to register for the conference before February 25th, 2019 – By submitting this proposal you confirm that your presentation has not been previously published or presented at an international meeting within 90 days of this conference.
-Abstract evaluation for oral or poster presentations will be done by the Scientific Committee consisting of leading professionals from local and international academic organizations.
– Presenters and participants are kindly requested to reserve the conference dates, of April 01-02 2019, in their calendars until they receive notification of submission outcomes.
– Acceptance of an abstract for oral and/or poster presentation does not constitute an offer to pay travel, accommodation or registration expenses. No speaker fees will be paid to abstract presenters.
Instructions for Preparing Abstracts
You are kindly requested to follow these instructions; abstracts should:
– Be submitted in English.
– Be single spaced, clear and legible.
– Have correct and full contact information of presenting author upon submission, including email and phone numbers.
– Be submitted electronically no later than February 7th, 2019.
– Include the following headings: Introduction, Background, Objectives, Methods, Results, Recommendations and/or Conclusions (as fitting the abstract).
– Include up to 6 keywords as well as an indication of relevance to one of the conferences’ tracks.
– The text of the abstract should not exceed 300 words.
– Abbreviations should be defined when first used and kept to a minimum.
– Include a short bio of presenting author not exceeding 100 words.
NOTE: No graphs or images in any format will be accepted.
Abstract Review Process
– Acknowledgment of receipt of all abstracts will be made by the conference organizing committee by e-mail.
– All abstracts will be reviewed by a minimum of 4 Scientific Committee members using a standardized evaluation form. The reviewers will be blinded to the authors’ name(s) and institutional affiliation(s).
– Abstracts will be selected for oral or poster presentation.
– Notification of abstracts accepted for presentation (oral or poster) will be sent by e-mail no later than February 16th, 2019.