Orbotech, Israel
Lecture Title: Embedded 3D Interconnects in Glass Substrates by a Combined Laser Trenching and Printing Process
Control of grooved structured profiles can be achieved by a femtosecond laser ablation process in different materials – dielectrics, semi-conductors and metals. In addition, high accuracy additive manufacturing techniques, e.g. laser induced forward transfer (LIFT), provide flexibility in 3D printed structures deposited on a variety of substrates. The combination of those two laser technologies allows the
integration of embedded circuitry and other components, such as microfluidic and micromechanical
systems, paving the way to a wide range of applications where conventional subtractive patterning is a
problem. Embedding is advantageous in terms of mechanical stability and adherence of the printed
metal allowing a favorable aspect ratio and thereby providing improved electrical properties of the conducting lines as well as planar and debris-free surfaces. In this work we report on a combination of laser grooving and laser printing processes and demonstrate the manufacturing of buried copper structures in a grooved borosilicate glass substrate.