Department of Physical Electronics, Faculty of Engineering, Tel Aviv University
Lecture Title: Embedded 3D Interconnects in Glass Substrates by a Combined Laser Trenching and Printing Process
Yuval Berg is a physicist team leader of laser-matter interaction research in the additive manufacturing research group in Orbotech Ltd. The main subjects of interest he focuses on are related to laser micromachining, microelectronics, nonlinear optics and material processing.
Yuval earned his B. Sc degree in Mechanical engineering (optical engineering) from the Technion – Israel Institute of Technology. His M.Sc degree in Electrical Engineering was earned from Tel Aviv University and his thesis subject was “Acousto-optic Q-switched All-fiber Laser”. Studies and experiments during his masters were conducted in Soreq NRC. He is currently in his Ph.D studies in Electrical Engineering at Tel Aviv University.