Prof. Liang Dong

Clemson University

Dr. Dong is currently a professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Clemson University and has 30 years of experience in research and development in photonics and optical fibers. He is the author of a recent book on Fiber Lasers: Basics, Technology and Applications, many invited articles and book chapters, and has given a large number of invited talks at international conferences. He has published ~300 papers in scientific journal and conference proceedings and has 27 granted patents. He also served as chair/member of many international conference committees and associate editor for several journals. He currently serves as general chair for OSA topical meeting on Specialty Optical Fibers (SOF) and Workshop on Specialty Optical Fibers, as program co-chair for Fiber Lasers at SPIE PhotonicsWest, and as associate editor of Optica.