Department of Physics, University of Alabama at Birmingham, IPG Photonics Corporation, Southeast Technology Center
Lecture Title: Fiber-bulk hybrid mid-infrared lasers based on transition metal doped ceramic chalcogenides
Almantas Galvanauskas is a professor at the Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Department, University of Michigan. He has been working in the field of fiber lasers for more than twenty years, and has more than 200 publications, including approximately 30 patents and patent applications. He had pioneered ultrashort-pulse fiber CPA, and his work had resulted in demonstrating several record-breaking achievements in performance of fiber lasers. Prior to joining University of Michigan he spent eight years in industrial R&D at IMRA America, Inc.. His current interest spans areas from novel fiber designs to advanced fiber laser systems, including beam combining of pulsed and ultrashort pulse lasers, and new fiber laser applications such as high-intensity laser plasma produced EUV, X-ray generation, and laser driven acceleration. He is also a co-founder of Arbor Photonics, Inc., which was acquired by nLight Inc. in 2012.